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Library FAQ

Library FAQ

I would like to do a search for population in Johor over the past 5 years. Where can I get such statistics data?

  1. Search via DOSM ( using keyword, ex. Population
  2. Or, search via Google, type in search term: keyword, ex. Johor population 2018

How can I find journal articles from the Library website?

You can find the journal articles through Library Search or Library E-resources.

Finding articles through Library Search:

  1. Access the library homepage at
  2. In the library search, enter your search term(s) in the search box
  3. Click the search icon.
  4. A list of search results is displayed. The results could be books, e-books, academic journals, video, etc. Refine your search results by checking the relevant boxes at the top panel.
  5. To obtain journal articles: At the top panel click Source type, check the box for Academic Journals only.
  6. A list of search results of articles from academic journals is displayed.
  7. You may also click on the title for item information.
  8. To view the article, click Access options, select PDF. You will be ask to key in the Library User ID and PIN
  9. Some records have this note: Full Text from Tun Hussein Onn Sunway Library, click on that note to go to the record with links to the full text.

Finding articles through Library E-resources:

  1. Find the full-text of a specific article by using the library's subject-specific databases from Library E-resources. To access a database, you will be asked to key in the Library User ID and PIN.

Click here for details.

How can I find peer-reviewed journal articles from the Library website?

  1. Access the library homepage at
  2. In the library search, enter your search term(s) in the search box
  3. Click the search icon.
  4. A list of search results is displayed. The results could be books, e-books, academic journals, video, etc. Refine your search results by checking the relevant boxes at the top panel. 
  5. To obtain peer-reviewed journal articles: At the top panel click Peer Reviewed.
  6. To obtain journal articles: At the top panel click Source type, check the box for Academic Journals only.
  7. A list of search results of articles from peer-reviewed journals is displayed.
  8. You may also click on the title for item information.
  9. To view the article, click Access options, select PDF. You will be asked to key in the Library User ID and PIN
  10. Some records have this note: Full Text from Tun Hussein Onn Sunway Library, click on that note to go to the record with links to the full text.

Click here for details.

Users are welcomed to join Library Assignment Help Workshop to learn more.

How can I find an e-book from the Library website?

  1. Access the library homepage at
  2. In the library search, enter your search term(s) in the "Search e-books" box.
  3. Click the search icon.
  4. A list of search results of e-book is displayed.
  5. You may also click the title for item information.
  6. To view the book, click Access options, select Online Access. You will be asked to key in the Library User ID and PIN.

Click here for details.

Are there any printed magazines available in the Library?

Yes, there are more than 8 titles available in the Library such as National Geographic, Time, Reader’s Digest and etc.

Is Flipster digital magazine accessible off-campus?

Yes. Users can either access it from a browser or download the Flipster app. For more information, please click here.

How many magazine titles are available online?

More than 15 titles are available online such as National Geographic, Discover, PC World and etc. 

Where can I find the National Geographic magazine?

Users can:

  1. Locate the magazine at Journal Collection at the Ground Floor.
  2. Read it online from Flipster digital magazine through either browser or Flipster app. Click here for more information.

Where can I read magazines online?

Users can download Flipster app on your phone or access it via Library E-resources.

Click here for steps to install the Flipster app.

Can I recommend or request for a book, DVD or other resources?

Yes, for Academic staff please click here. For students, please click here.

Are Past Year Exam Papers available in the Library?

Yes, there is a Past Year Exam Paper collection. Users can approach Library staff for details or click here.

I would like to know more about Library e-resources, where can I find the information?

Users can approach the Help Desk. 

How do I check the reliability of a source?

We use CRAAP test to check the reliability of a source.

Users are welcomed to join Library Assignment Help Workshop to learn more.